Friday, January 9, 2009


two summers ago i had a dream that i had breast cancer. i believe the dream was inspired by two things:

1) i was stricken with guilt after having smoked hookah the night before, and i was worried that one day i would never be able to sing again. and not that it even mattered because half of the people in my life these days don't even know that i used to sing. but just the thought of losing what could have been, and what was so much a part of me since practically the time i could speak--having that taken away from me. horrible.
2) that same week i had browsed the pages of a book at my volunteer job titled something like "Learning to Love the Body that God Gave You." i am awfully critical of my body, and i resolved that this dream was meant to tell me that i should love what i have because one day i might not have anything.

i told my parents about this dream, and it wasn't until a few days later when they got up the nerve to tell me that my mom was going to have to have her lung removed. the first thing i worried about was whether she'd be able to sing again.

well, she is better now, and while her voice has lost some strength, she can still sing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am sorry about your mom but am glad she can still sing.

when i was younger my mom would force me to sing in church, saying there was this bible passage that said if you don't use the gifts God gave you you will lose them. i lived in fear of losing my voice for years. then i actually read the verse and realized it had nothing to do with that at all.

life sucks at the moment but i think its getting better.