Tuesday, December 9, 2008

wonderful morning

i woke up at 3:45 this morning and never fell back to sleep. yet i feel GREAT!

i think that my brain escaped my body at some point yesterday while taking my final final exam. maybe it was the fact that it was 10924309234 degrees in that classroom. i literally walked into the room and suddenly had no idea what the difference was between glycogen, glucose, glycerol, etc. etc. etc. all i could think about during the entire exam period was how much i wanted to create a paper fan with my test and shower myself with my bottled water. i'm not even sure how or if my exam got completed because i don't think i was fully conscious... going out with a bang!

...i love how i started telling susan about this last night, and she said, "WAIT. do NOT continue--you MUST blog about this!" technology...

was treated to dinner afterwards by a fine young man in my class. i liked how we shared a bowl of soup and a meal and didn't finish either of them, yet i still managed to finish BOTH of our drinks. we talked about how we wanted to hug this girl we couldn't stand the entire semester, but before the exam started she said to the class, "Good luck everyone!!" PAINFUL SILENCE. "...you're welcome..." it was so sad, she sounded shattered. it was like she had just realized that the entire class thought she was the most obnoxious human being alive. in retrospect, i might even miss her.

GAWD, why am i suddenly so emotional about leaving oakland university?? i hated it 90% of the time i was there. i'm always yearning for what i used to have, or what i would like to have. i need to start being satisfied with the present.


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